Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

Well, here's my obligatory New Year's post! It is a blogging obligation, isn't it? Every blog I follow does one, so here is mine! :-)

So 2012 was a great, but very hard year for me. Thinking back on it, I have to admit I learned a lot.... about why I have gray hair already myself, about how to get my husband and kid to do what I want relationships, about what a joke the Devil is God, and potty training just sort of just life in general.... (I know, it's getting deep already, huh? And I'm only into the second or third sentence. Bear with me!) I wanted to look back on 2012, and decided to bring you along with me. #ArentYouSoLucky

Here is my 2012 Inventory:
  • In 2012, I gained confidence in God's and my decisions for my life.
  • I lost a baby this year through miscarriage and it nearly ripped my heart in two.
  • I stopped freaking out about finances all the time and placed my trust in Him to provide.
  • I started seriously writing.
  • I was hugely satisfied by my always continual walk with Christ, who never ceases to amaze me with His love, mercy, and glory.
  • And frustrated by people that think it's ok to have friends, but not be a friend.
  • I am so embarrassed that I struggle to "say yes to God" when His path for me is clearly laid out directly in front of me.
  • Once again, I made an effort to give much and take little.
  • Once again, I took too much and gave too little.
  • The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is my growing baby bump. I'm eight to ten pounds heavier than I was this time last year, thanks to the amazing blessing growing in my belly.
  • The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is I'm even crazier than I was last year. This is headed downhill fast.
  • I loved having freedom in my schedule to travel and be flexible with anything that came up.
  • Why did I spend even two minutes thinking she had changed from when I met her five or so years ago.
  • I should have spent more time keeping in touch with old friends as well as talking to my mom and dad on the phone more often.
  • I regret nothing.
  • I will never regret saying goodbye to something that has been a part of my life since I was very little. It sounds cheesy, but when I quit my job I didn't just leave a career path, but an activity I've known and loved all my life. I was forced to leave before I completely lost all my love and respect for it and the people involved.
  • I internally struggled way too much in knowing how to comfort family and friends who have lost a dear one or are struggling to obtain someone precious.
  • The most relaxing place I went was back to Colorado. Something about being out there at 12,000 feet will put you at peace.
  • I did not end up getting another full time job as originally planned when I left my last job. It was a huge leap of faith in making the decision not to and to continue being a stay-at-home mom. For anybody who knows me, this is NOT what I had in mind for my life and was a hugely scary decision for my family and I.
  • The best thing I did for myself was making running not just a habit, but a priority. I reaped the benefits from it as well, in not only making myself healthier, but also happier. I also consistently and quickly started getting better and that helped my confidence tremendously.
  • The best thing someone did for me was encourage me to "say yes to God." Everything lined up so clearly and perfectly once I did.
  • The one thing I'd like to do again, but do it better is everything!
(Fill-in-the-blank template from Mary Schmich at The Chicago Tribune found via this blog)

Gosh... filling that in was a little gut wrenching. I did and experienced some amazing things in 2012 (i.e. mission trip to Africa...which by the way, I STILL need to post about!... more time with my family...) and some not so amazing things (i.e. broke ties with so-called "family," went through a miscarriage...), and I know next year will hold even more cool and not-so-cool stuff!

A couple years ago, I started blogging about my "intentions" for the New Year. So here is what I'd like to focus on in 2013. I keeping this short, because I'm learning to take and enjoy life as it smacks me square in the face (sometimes too hard). But here are a few things I'd like to do. My so-called intentions, if you will.

  • To write more articles and finish my book. Last month, I set a written goal and gave myself one year to complete the first draft, so I should be done completely by December 2013...at the very latest. I do, however, think that I can finish it much sooner than that since I already had a jump on it and I have a pretty good writing schedule in place. So we'll see! Wish me luck! As with anything I set out to do, I'll need the luck! :-)
  • Run my first full marathon. I had planned on doing this on my 30th birthday in April of 2013, but the semi-accidental-but-not-really-accidental baby-making sort of got in the way of that. I'll be about 37 weeks pregnant then, and doubt I'd be able to waddle that far without plopping a kid out in the middle of the road.
  • To truly listen and look to God more often and not be so nervous about His plans for me.
  • To not completely lose all sanity myself after the second baby comes and get caught up in being a mother and wife. To take time for myself and not feel guilty for it.

So there you have it... that's what my 2013 will consist of.

Happy New Year friends! I pray your's is full of happiness, prosperity, and just a little bit of stupidity. (It always makes things interesting!)


Take All Chances - Missy said...

It sounds like you have had quite a tough year too. I sincerely hope you have a great 2013. I am pleased you have found the inventory useful too... It's kinda of a tradition for me and my blog now.

Best wishes for 2013....there are many good things coming your way.


jenn said...

Very well said..I have trouble letting God be in control but I am trying so hard to give my control