Saturday, November 30, 2013

Our Thanksgiving Holiday

We spent the Thanksgiving holiday in the Chattanooga area with my in-laws, at my SIL and her husband's home. Between the six adults, four kids, and ten zillion animals, it was an energetic and entertaining week. When the weather was good, a trip to Ruby Falls happened (in which MK was extremely excited to announce to everyone that she "went inside the earth!") and when it was bad, a trip to the Children's Museum happened (Bryant and I skipped out on this and took my SIL, Storm, to the brewery instead to celebrate her birthday. Beer and mimosas, anyone??). In between those things, a lot of time was spent visiting, laughing and telling stories.

With almost all the adults being full-blown vegans, you might think Thanksgiving dinner was lacking, however, I want to inform you, it was NOT. The only non-traditional thing about dinner was the absence of a turkey. There was stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, Sheppard's Pie, cranberries, broccoli soup, sweet potatoes, as well as a multitude of different dessert pies. And yes - everyone went into a food coma after. #zzzzz

I was able to keep up with my marathon training while there too. Though, it turns out I had to use the Dreadmill quite a bit due to the weather, but I begrudgingly knocked it out. (Word to the Wise: two hours running in the same spot is not really as fun as it may sound. Though I did get to catch up on worthless television. Did you all know Kim K and Kanye almost didn't give their child a last name when she was born?? #WhoDoesThat)

Anyway, here are some photos of the week stolen borrowed from my MIL's Facebook. ;-) I am VERY thankful we were able to spend the week out there with family. I love my in-laws as if they were blood relatives and we always spend our time together laughing and having a good time. :-)

I hope everyone had an amazing holiday!

Happy Birthday to my amazing sister, Storm!
McKenna and Knox collecting fire wood
The Pete
McKenna, Meda (The Pete), Knox, & Holland 
Best buddies!
McKenna and Holland
This was where I parked myself for 5 hours worth of 'Gone with the Wind' viewing.

Men doing what men do, I guess....
Please excuse my husband's extreme love of plaid.

Pop and Meda

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