Saturday, November 23, 2013

As of Late...

It's been a couple weeks since I've posted here because things have been C-R-A-Z-Y at my house between the baby, the new pup, running, school, family in town, traveling, etc.. So here is a run down of the going-ons as of late!

~Cheerleading competition season is in full swing, and I have spent the past few weekends traveling around the region judging. It's been fun seeing old co-workers & staff as well as watching some very talented teams perform. I am currently sitting in a hotel room writing this on the eve of the Tennessee High School State Cheerleading Championship. Actually, wait... did I say I've been judging? No, no... in leu of stories I've heard of razy cheer-mama antics, I retract the statement that I may have contributed to anyone's brokenhearted daughter that didn't win regionals. And I will definitely NOT have any say in tomorrow's competition. No, definitely not... 
*wipes sweaty brow and refuses eye contact*

~I am currently reading Jodi Piccoult's "The Storyteller." Even though I am only halfway through the book, I am LOVING it. There were a couple scenes that I could barely breathe through. Like when the Nazi soldier lined up the Jewish mama and her toddler to be shot. The mama started singing to her daughter, tucking her in "to sleep" between bodies of those already shot. HEARTBREAKING, people. Heart. Breaking. My mind is blown every time I think that this stuff really happened. I'm not sure I'll make it through this novel. 

~On a less morbid, but still slightly irritating note - marathon training is officially in the downward swing. I am sooooooo ready for this to be over with. I am nervous, anxious, excited, and terrified. This whole "training" deal is NO JOKE. It's really like having a part-time job. You spend hours (and hours and hours) per week running. Except with this "job," there is no paycheck. Unless, of course, you are this guy. In which case, you may get a paycheck AND some pretty sweet Asics. 

For some there may be benefits (smaller waistline, healthier lifestyle, cute new running shoes), but for me... Well, I just can't seem to get past the lack of a paycheck thing with the amount of hours I'm putting in. If I don't die out there (which, let's be real - there's a very good chance of that happening), I will be ecstatic. I'm sick of working for free. 

But on a serious note, I finally raised all my funds in order to run this race, and am humbled that people would donate to such an amazing organization in my name! I truly hope the small part ($$) myself and my fellow donors contributed helps at least ONE child at St. Jude. :-)

~ So, as you know, we bought a Doberman puppy a few weeks ago. With that being said, I know you may think I'm heartless and cruel, but I'm not here to debate ear cropping with you. Sorry, I just want to update you on the fact of whether we did it or not. After doing tons of research, we opted to follow the breed's standard and go ahead with the surgery for our dog. (Emphasis on "our dog." You don't have to crop your Doberman's ears if you don't want. And I won't judge you for it either. Now, see? We can still all be friends!) Anyway, we picked a top vet in Memphis for her and had it done yesterday. Scarlett did amazing in the surgery and came out of it great! We have a few weeks left of keeping her ears in the rack, so we'll be keeping her calm and quiet for a while. 

~Thanksgiving week! Holy Mother of a Pilgrim... Is it REALLY Thanksgiving already??? I'm in denial, y'all. We're spending the holiday with almost all of my in-laws. Between kids and animals it promises to be a fun filled & crazy week. Hopefully, the weather will hold so I can send MK outside with her cousins to burn off some energy. And hopefully Meda decides it's a good week to catch up on naps (with her mama while big sister is outside playing, of course). Here's to good weather and tired (but happy!) kids!!

1 comment:

Our Stories God's Glory said...

Sounds like a busy fun life. Visiting from Compel!