Sunday, October 14, 2012

New Goals & Plans

So I've reworked some of my race goals for the fall and spring and decided to share them with you.

I had almost signed up for quite a few big races this fall and spring. One was the St. Jude Half Marathon in December this year and also the Rock 'N Roll FULL Marathon this coming April... which just happens to be on my 30th birthday. What a cool 30th birthday, right? I planned on finishing my first full marathon on my 30th. Pretty sweet, right? Yeah, I thought so too.

 Well, anyway - with the "help" of my husband, I've put together some even bigger and better goals though. I have had these new goals before. Once about four years ago and the other was earlier this summer (but we all know how this summer turned out. Bad news, Bears.).

Fall Goal = Don't Get Fat 
Spring Goal = Don't Get Too Fat

(A little hint in case you don't understand the not-so-subtle hints I've been dropping and/or the picture: Our family is growing. By two feet. Get it??? Think about it.... Ahhh... good. Some people have had a hard time with this picture. Luckily, none of you are slow on the intake, right? ;-) )

Yes, we are going to be parents. Again.

Lord, help us.

So there went my race plans for the fall and spring. Unfortunately, on my 30th birthday I'll be about the size of a smallmediumsomewhat large, gigantasouric blue whale and more than likely will be unable to waddle 26.2 miles. And I am absolutely okay with this. After what happened last time, I want to make sure to take care of myself and not over do it with the running, which I didn't do this summer. (Remember how I decided to P.R. every race I ran there for a month or two? Probably not the best plan.) No worries my fellow runners, I'm not completely giving it up, but I've decided to hold off on the races and hard training. Just some slow jogs for me over the next months.

So yeah.... back to this poor child that is stuck with Bryant and I for parents. We're so excited for him or her to show up this May (approximately May 15th). I actually found out on the day of the first Road Race Series 10K, and have been anxiously waiting for our first ultrasound appointment to make sure all looks well. Our first appointment this week went fantastic, and we saw a STRONG heart beat and the little critter moving around like crazy!
9 weeks
So being the private person I am, I came home from that appointment and immediately blasted our announcement on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. #typical

Anyways, we are thrilled and feel so blessed that all is well thus far. Here's to praying the rest of the pregnancy goes skinny well.    

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