Friday, February 5, 2010

Day Alone With Mom

So I'll go ahead and throw it out there. Bryant is the World's Best Dad. That's not an exaggeration. And I....well....I'll settle for the World's Most Mediocre Mom.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not a BAD mom by any means ("bad" is a relative term, right?), just not the greatest. I can effectively change a diaper, prepare a bottle, and play with a baby for the most part. But I can't even begin to try and claim the top spot. That would be what some might call a heaping plate of Shenanigans. I'll go ahead and throw something else out there. A small random fact to back up my claim. I am NOT a patient person. Bryant is. Which is why he's the perfect parental unit to be with McKenna most days while I work full time.

Well, the patient half of this parental team had to leave town today, so that left me at home alone with McKenna. No wait....let me rephrase that. That left McKenna home alone with me. AHHH!! (Side note: I have been alone with my daughter in the past, this is just the first time I documented it.) Well, I decided after her habitual condor crap (see my Can someone please quickly tell me how to raise a human being post for more explanation of this terrifying daily ritual) to go ahead and try to document the day in pictures.

It started out well, then slowly got worse. 

There was laughter and smiles.

There was fun and games.

There was baby food everywhere.

There were no naps.

And then there was screaming.

Yes - screaming.

Blood curling screams. Worse than in any screams you read about in R.L. Stein's infamous "Fear Street" books. (You remember those awesome pre-pubescent series of "horror" stories. It was that bad.)

I was finally able to calm her down about 7:30pm with a yummy bottle of Nestle's Good Start Formula (that's my plug for my sister's company, Nestle! McKenna and I both say thanks for the food Aunt Katie!) Anyway, below are some of the pictures I took throughout McKenna's day alone with mom!

Fun Times!

Happy with some food!

And then it starts....she decided the food would look better thrown around the house instead of in the bowl! AHH!! A neat freak's nightmare!

Lucy enjoyed the clean up process much more than I did....

Then she gave me attitude for whatever reason....

Once cleaned up, it started to get bad when trying to play again. Guess she was over the game of "Peek-a-Boo!" after the bazillionth time.

So I finally got baby to sleep for a couple hours, and BAM! 10:00pm hits! It's time to wake up and party again!

Unfortunately, this is where the pictures end. More screaming insued when I tried to get her back to sleep. Pacifers were thrown. It got bad there for a second. But luckily, (thank you again to my sister and Nestle Good Start Formula) there's currently a sweet sleeping baby laying next to me as I finish writing this. Oh what a day....

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