Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winter Storm Warning

So Memphis, along with the rest of the Mid-South region of our country, was put under a "Winter Storm Warning" late Thursday night through late Friday evening....and you know what that means....SNOW DAY!! Weren't those the greatest when you were a kid?? I remember I would go to bed at night and pray, asking God to let it snow so I could stay home and enjoy time with my family (A.K.A not go to school and turn in the homework I DIDN'T do!)

Well, snow days are a little different as an adult. The UCA office closed down for the day and made everyone go home early from work. I, unfortunately, still had work to be done, so I parked myself with my laptop at my kitchen table and went got to it. But this time, I had my pajama's on and watched the snow from my big picture window. Can I get a, "Hell yeah?" I was actually quite productive and got a ton of work done that I had been putting on the back burner. Can I get ANOTHER, "Heeellll yeah??" Anyway, after the ice and snow settled, I decided to document some of the storm's left overs. The ice and snow have made our backyard look pretty again! (The "again" statement was thrown in there to point out the fact that niether Bryant or I have "had the time" (i.e. we've been too lazy) to keep up with the yard this winter and it was turning into what some might call a cluster). But don't judge - I knew this storm would be coming and would take care of our "lack of time" to care for the yard.

McKenna Rayne loved sitting and looking out the window at the snow!

Ice is everywhere!!

McKenna ready for her SNOW DAY!!

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