Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I'm Back From My Sabbatical!

Wow, it's been a while. Once again, I took a bit of a blogging sabbatical, but never fear, I'm back.

And this is the part where you go...

It's MEEEEEE!!  *waves*

A ton has happened over the past 3 months, and I've hardly been able to keep up. I'll be posting a few of the highlights over the next couple weeks, and then hopefully move on from there with the regular posting.
(Which in my life, means once or twice a week. Right now I have them set for today & Thursday. Don't get too excited.)
(Not that you would anyway.)

But there may be random bouts of M.I.A.ness in between.

Because that's how I roll...

But I'm back.
(For now.)

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